Come along to our 10th Anniversary Celebrations at Eudunda, Dutton & Truro
7th & 8th Sept 2024 For Various Walks & Rides.
Enjoy a walk or cycle while discovering some local stories along the way.
Great Coffee will be served from the start by Judy of the ‘Coffee Cubicle’ and the Eudunda Hub & Shed will have bacon & egg rolls to start the day.
*** Just Added – NEW Options for Walking on Saturday Afternoon ***
Gather at Eudunda Centenary Gardens for Speeches from 12 Noon,
Speeches 12:15 to 12:30PM
Depending on when you get back, we hope you have time to have a quick bite to eat & drink, check out the market and some of the other things around the town (see listing at bottom of the page).
Main Focal Point for Saturday is:
The Eudunda Centenary Gardens are located at Bruce Street (extension), Eudunda
Google Maps Plus Code: R3GM+HH Eudunda, South Australia
Walks & Bus and Market, Speeches all based here. (Cyclists start from Eudunda Hall, Bruce St.)
We are suggesting that there should be parking at the Eudunda Silo Car Park (opposite).
This event is a combination of two organisatiions working together, South Australian Recreation Trails Inc (SARTI) and the Eudunda Community, Business and Tourism Committee (ECBAT). Additionally we appreciate the support from our local Regional Council of Goyder for a grant to help run the event at low cost, so that it is accessible to everyone.

We would like to hear from you if you think you would like to come to the 10th Anniversary Celebrations 7th & 8th September 2024.
There will be Short Walks and Rides to suit various levels of fitness (including those who can’t walk very far – with one interesting guided tour about 1.5km long – see ‘Guten Tag!’ Stories of Germans in Eudunda’) and another which is a guided BUS tour, touring the areas where famous Author Colin Thiele grew up.
(see details below in the events).
So come along and enjoy a day out with others, enjoy the walks or rides all sweetened with some ‘Storytelling’.
Food and Drinks available at the Eudunda Community Market also in the same location (Eudunda Centenial Gardens).
Sunday moves further South, linking Truro, Dutton and Frankton (Southern Goyder) with scenery, history, stories and walking and nature.
If you don’t want to participate in all the walks there are plenty of things happening in Eudunda to consider coming earlier or staying longer.
See below the web form to let us know you are coming! (you can just ‘roll up’ but if possible please express interest so our local groups can be better preapred to make your visit a good enjoyable one – Thank You!).
PLEASE NOTE THAT THE BUS IS LIMITED TO 22 SEATS. So Book in early to reserve yours. (and Car Pooling)
If the demand is high for the Saturday Walk we may make several trips out. (each will be seperated by about half hour).
If you do car pool out to the start point see Peter to organise the bus to take those drivers back to where their cars are (after the speeches).

This event is Sponsored by an Events Grant from the
‘Regional Council of Goyder‘ and we thank them for their help in delivering the event at no cost or low cost to our local residents and visitors.
The Council have been great supporters of the Lavender Trails over the years
Saturday 7th Sept 2024
Saturday: (Introduction)
Eudunda Centenial Gardens will be the main focal point for the day with walks and bus starting from here and everyone walks back to Eudunda in time for the official speeches (probably lots of time).
In the morning we have two walks highlighting some of our local history and scenery. You can do in series if you are a quick walker or just do one to match your fitness.
One intersting guided walking tour about 1.5km long will take you on a walk about the streets of Eudunda hearing about the history of the buildings and the people who use them, we are sure you will find it facinating.
We have abandonded the afternoon walk due to not finding a walking guide/leader in time.
‘Event #1 – Walking – Saturday 7th Sept 2024 – Walk the Hills, Creeks & Aquaducts South Of Eudunda
#1 REENACTMENT: at 9.00am Distance 5.4 km.
Start from Centenary Gardens, Eudunda
8:45am Assemble in Eudunda Town Gardens.
Everyone to Register for walk, Sort out walk guide.
9:00am Transport by bus or car pool – leaves for Nicholson Road, Eudunda.
For those driving, please follow the bus (not too close).
The whole of this trail is marked with standard Lavender Federation Trail (LFT) markers – follow the markers.
DO NOT STRAY! WE DO NOT WANT TO UPSET THE LAND OWNERS (This rule applies to all of the trail)
Walkers are dropped off to start at Nicholson Rd, follow LFT Marked Trail, then on Riemann Road turn right to the North, walk along fenceline to the weir, take note of old aqueduct that you walk along and after local golf course see the Railway Dam behind the Caravan Park. Through the caravan park and onto the Appelt Lane take note of the Railway Tank and Filling Tower, and the Railway Station, finishing at the Eudunda Town Gardens. Walk starts 9am (1.5hr to 2.0hr Finish 11:00am)
Requirements: Bus or Car Shuttles one way (bus Eudunda @ 4km) (bus depart 9:00 for walk #1)
This should give you time to look at the SARTI display and community market and if real early around the town.
The Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery is open and you can find a lot of information about Eudunda and it’s history in there.
If you contact Organiser – Peter on 0429 811 958 or see him at the Eudunda Gardens during the morning,
we MAY be able to arrange to take you out to the start of this walk for you to do the above walk.
Read above for details of the trail

Event #2 – ‘Walking – Saturday 7th Sept 2024 – Guten Tag!’ Stories of Germans in Eudunda
10am Start from Centenary Gardens, Eudunda
1 ~ 1.5 km Street Walk, easy with a short up hill (100m) – 2 Hour Walk
This two-hour walking tour focuses on the German people of Eudunda, from hardworking farmers and wandering Lutherans in the 1860s, to reputable publicans and manufacturers in the twentieth century. Everything changed during WWI when language was suppressed and loyalty tested – even at gunpoint! Discover who the Germans of Eudunda really were.
Price: $10 per person. (Cash payment on the day is easiest.)
Bookings for this tour are required by phone or email.
Presented in collaboration with Lavender Cycling Trail – M2C to mark 10 years of the opening of the Eudunda to Truro section of the Lavender Trail.
Contact: Samuel Doering
Mobile: 0477 972 630
Comment: Samuel was recently awarded “SA Emerging Historian of the Year” by the History Council of South Australia (31st May 2024)
(Samuel delivers a very informative and entertaining tour, filled with well researched facts, photos and stories.
This tour is partly subsidised by a grant from the Regional Council of Goyder.

Gather for Speeches from 12 Noon,
Speeches 12:15 to 12:30PM
‘Event #1a – Walking – Saturday 7th Sept 2024 – Walk the Hills, Creeks & Aquaducts South Of Eudunda
If we have enough interest we can run the bus out several times in the afternoon
1pm and 2pm
THIS WALK IS A PART OF THE LAVENDER FEDERATION TRAIL.If you contact Organiser – Peter on 0429 811 958 or see him at the Eudunda Gardens during the morning, we can arrange to take you out to the start of this walk for you to do the walk in the afternoon. (it can be walked at any time).
#1a: at 1.00pm Distance 5.4 km. 12:50pm Assemble in Eudunda Town Gardens.
#1b at 2.00pm Distance 5.4 km. 1:50pm Assemble in Eudunda Town Gardens.
Start from Centenary Gardens, Eudunda
Everyone to Register for walk, Sort out walk guide.
Both Trips – Transport by bus or car pool – leaves for Nicholson Road, Eudunda.
For those driving, please follow the bus (not too close).
The whole of this trail is marked with standard Lavender Federation Trail (LFT) markers – follow the markers.
DO NOT STRAY! WE DO NOT WANT TO UPSET THE LAND OWNERS (This rule applies to all of the trail)
Walkers are dropped off to start at Nicholson Rd, follow LFT Marked Trail, then on Riemann Road turn right to the North, walk along fenceline to the weir, take note of old aqueduct that you walk along and after local golf course see the Railway Dam behind the Caravan Park. Through the caravan park and onto the Appelt Lane take note of the Railway Tank and Filling Tower, and the Railway Station, finishing at the Eudunda Town Gardens. Walk starts 1pm, 2pm (1.5hr to 2.0hr Finish 11am, 3pm, 4pm respectively)
Requirements: Bus or Car Shuttles one way (bus Eudunda @ 4km)
bus depart 1:00pm for walk #1a, bus depart 2:00pm for walk #1b
Note that most facilities will be closed by the time you return.
Roadhouse, Foodland and Saints Clubhouse are places you can source food and drinks.

Event #3 – Saturday 7th Sept 2024 – ‘Colin Thiele Drive – FREE Bus Trip With Guide from Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery
BUS leaves at 2.30pm From the Eudunda Centenary Gardens
Return about 3:30~4:00pm at which time there is an opportunity to go to the Saints Clubhouse for afternoon tea or stay longer and have a full meal. This is a great chance for anyone who is not that fit they can do the walks, but still want to get out and do something, so come along and enjoy the tour.
With a guide from the local Eudunda Family Heritage Gallery (, visit some of the significant places in the area where famous Australian Children’s Author & Educator Colin Thiele AC grew up and hear some stories as you go. Colin authored a 100 Children’s books plus poems and other literary works. Some of his books include ‘Sun on the Stubble’ are based on the local area and many of it’s characters when he was young. He is probably best known for his book ‘Storm Boy’ which later was made into a movie and more recently as a stage play.
His story is fascinating, as when first going to school at Julia he did not speak English, soon his passion for language blossomed to the point where he later became the Principal of a Teachers College and students not even in his classes would come to listen to his lectures. Colin was also passionate on preserving the Coorong.
Of significance to our Lavender Trails, the trail goes right past Colin Thiele boyhood home, and he used to ride on it by pushbike to go to school, first at Eudunda then to catch the train at Hampden to Kapunda to Secondary School.
Tour approx 1hr to 1.5hr bus Eudunda @ approx 40km round trip).
Return and if you like go to the Saints Clubhouse for afternoon tea or stay longer.
Check out Colin Thiele website you will find lots of information on his books, awards and achievments, then come experience the land that influenced Colin.
Contact: Peter Herriman to book Mobile: 0429 811 958 (most likely you will have to leave a message)
OR Use the Booking Form Below
This tour is sponsored by a grant from the Regional Council of Goyder.

Event #4 – Cycling – Saturday 7th Sept 2024 – Lavender Eudunda Inspiration Point Loop Trail
54km with 500m climb over 6hrs
Start at the Eudunda District Hall, 9am – finish approx 3pm
Gravel ride taking in the Lavender Cycling Trail between Eudunda and Inspiration Point, returning via Robertstown. Gravel or MTB, eBikes welcome. BYO everything. This ride is part of the 10 year anniversary of the Lavender (Walking) Trail arriving in Eudunda. If you’re coming a bit of a distance, camping is available at Eudunda, and cabins and camping at Kapunda.
Here’s the ride plan
Sunday 8th Sept 2024
Sunday: (Introduction)
1) – Gathering in Truro, we will explore a special loop in the Truro Creek area, before a guided tour of of Dutton’s Historic building, and then a bite to eat and drink at a local Nature Reserve. Afterward a guided walk of it’s flora & fauna and history by the volunteers who are restoring it, finishing back in Truro.
If you’re coming a bit of a distance, some camping is available at Eudunda, motel rooms & byo caravan or tent to the Caravan Park, and cabins and camping are available close by at Kapunda, Burra & Morgan. – See near bottom of page for a few more ideas.
Event #5 – Cycling – Sunday 8th September 2024 – Lavender Eudunda Southern Ridge Loop Trail
31Km with 300m climb over 4 hrs. Start at the Eudunda District Hall, 9am – finish approx 1pmGravel ride climbing Tableland Road and then descending to join the Lavender Cycling Trail (LCT) at Neales Flat. Follow the LCT back to Eudunda. Gravel or MTB, eBikes welcome. BYO everything. This ride is part of the 10 year anniversary of the Lavender (Walking) Trail arriving in Eudunda. If you’re coming a bit of a distance, camping is available at Eudunda, and cabins and camping at Kapunda.
Here’s the ride plan
Event #6 – Walking – Sunday 8th September 2024 – Multiple Sites – Truro, Dutton, Frankton
by Bus (seating limited to 22 seats) or Drive yourself or car-pool (between sites).
Register on the Web Form below and we will send you more information.
FITNESS: Although parts of this trip will be walking, we encourage those who might be having some difficulty at the moment, to join us. Bring along a folding chair or similar and sit and talk with others while the walkers are away.
Just being out in the country is good for the soul, and the people you meet will be friendly. If you feel good enough do the short walk #8 at Dutton and on #9 at Levi Creek stick to the top level where it is flatter and walk to your comfort zone.
This will be a busy day as we visit 3 sites – If you don’t think you can handle the full day,
***** you can join part way, eg Dutton, or Levi Creek. *****
Most of the travels will be on reasonable dirt/gravel roads. Recommend you drive slowly and watch at all intersections.
Bus will pickup at Eudunda – Leave at 7:00am, Eudunda Centenary Gardens, Eudunda
Pickup at Dutton – Leave at 7:20am, St John’s Lutheran Church on Rice Street, Dutton
Pickup at Truro – Leave at 7:30am, Truro bus/truck park, Truro
Best place to meet at start of day will be the Truro bus/truck park (between where the Public Toilets are and the Roadhouse). (Multiple toilets here).
Google map share:
As you will be away 6-7 hours if you are parking your car (catching bus), park a little way off as this area can get quite busy on weekends
(Maybe on North Terrace, the road just behind the park, best if the public can see it too).
Event #7 – Walking – Sunday 8th September 2024 – Truro Creek Loop (Only this Walk)
Max 22 passengers on bus – get in early or drive yourself (remainder on gravel roads)
Those with vehicles can meet at location on Sturt Highway.
CAUTION Very High speed and heavy traffic in the area.
We will send details to those who intend meeting on site (it’s easy to miss the spot).
Described as scenes much like the Flinders Ranges. Reasonable fitness required.
Requirements: Bus or Car Shuttles You may use your own transport.
Bus leaves 11:00am from Truro Creek
This is also a great time to duck over the road to the Truro Bakery for some lovely goodies.
LEAVE Truro 11:15am for Dutton
Event #8 – Walking – Sunday 8th September 2024 – Historic Dutton Township. (Stuart is our guide)
Bus arrive approx 11:20 – 10 min to get organised.
11:20 Assemble in front of St John’s Lutheran Church on Rice Street, Dutton
Plus Code: J4QV+Q8 Dutton, South Australia, Australia
You may start from here with own transport.
Tour starts at 11.30am (Ro Forgan will be our guide of the Historic Dutton Township).
Approx 25 ~ 30 Min. Short easy walk
Dutton has single toilet that Ro has a key for this.
Requirements: Bus or Car Shuttles.
Bus will leave Dutton 12:00 Noon for Levi Creek
Event #9 – Walking – Sunday 8th September 2024 – Guided Tour Levi Creek Nature Reserve.
Bus arrives at Levi Creek approx 12:20pm
You may start from here with own transport.
Plus Code: M6VF+27 Frankton, South Australia, Australia
Guided Tour Levi Creek Nature Reserve. Approx 1~2 hour.
We will be combining with the Levi Creek Conservation Group Volunteers who will be having their Annual day.
Tour starts at 12.30pm ~1pm (Adrian Shackley Guide) (this will vary – depending on when food is served)
At some time everyone will take a break to eat and have refreshments.
Food and drinks will be provided by the Levi Creek Conservation Group, as food platters to choose from and tea and coffee will also be available. The food has been sponsored by a grant from the Regional Council of Goyder.
Walk will include a guide (Adrian) who loves the botany of the region and some very passionate volunteers explaining the positive steps to recovery of this wilderness area after significant human damage and enjoy the rare and unique botany of the area. Some parts are on steep creek sections, so less fit people can just go for the top area for a stroll and to enjoy the many native plants & birds and a chat.
Bus will return to Dutton and Truro for drop off, then return to Eudunda.
Requirements: Bus or Car Shuttles You may use your own transport to get here
Depart for Drop Off’s in Dutton & Truro approx 3:30pm
Leave Truro for Eudunda approx 3:30pm (travel approx 30min @ 30km)
Arrive Eudunda approx 4pm for final drop-offs.
Items may change, please keep coming back for updates.
Please fill out the form below so that we can get some kind of ideas of the number of people who might attend,
so that we and other local groups can plan, transport and catering for the event.
By entering your details here we hope to keep you better informed & updated of plans, maybe even ask for feedback on some ideas
and hopefully make it a great day for your visit.
Other Things To Do On The Weekend Around Eudunda
Eudunda Community Market – Saturday 8:30am to 12:30pm
They are Celebrating their 1st Birthday
SARTI are happy to run alongside the Eudunda Community Market, brining extra excitement and the opportunity of food and drinks for our participants.
Find a bargain, and importantly grab a bite to eat and a drink when you need to, either on first arrival or during your return (waiting for speeches).
If you have someone that loves selling at a Market, ask them to contact Jenny on 0416 253 168 to arrange to have a stall here.
Facebook Page Eudunda Community Market
Love Golf – Walk Saturday then on Sunday Walk Eudunda Hills at the
Eudunda Golf Club JAK 2024 – Sunday 9am Shotgun Start 10am
🏌️♂️⛳ The JAK is Back 2024 – 1 Fore the Road ⛳🏌️♂️
Don’t Miss Out! Sunday 8th September 2024
Registrations from 9am Shotgun start 10am
Phone Tim: 0436 323 009 or
Phone Bistro on: 0413 218 123
Breakfast, lunch and dinner available.
0413 218 123
Facebook page – JAK Golf Day.
‘Fabric ‘N’ Things’ Closing Down Mega Sale 7th & 8th Sept.
Eudunda Show Hall 9am – 3pm
All fabric @ $10/mtr
New Husqvarna Sewing Machines, New Singer Sewing Machine
All Must Go! So you are bound to find a bargain!
Also offering shop fittings, shelving and more
Light refreshments also available for purchase with proceeds going to ‘Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation’.
Facebook page with info
Eudunda Bowling Club – Friday Social Bowls
Do You Love Lawn Bowls? (as well as Walking)
Come a Day Early and head over the Eudunda Bowling Club on Friday
Afternoon and have a great time.
The Club love to have new people drop in for social bowls.
Stay overnight and you will be super ready for your walks on Saturday
Enquiries: Ron 0427 811 527
Facebook – Eudunda Bowling Club
Eudunda – Info
Saturday: You will find food at the event Eudunda Community Market, and also at the Eudunda Bakery, Foodland, Saints Clubhouse (after 3:30pm), Eudunda Roadhouse.
Note: Sunday: Sunrise Bakery Truro, Truro Roadhouse, Truro Weighbridge Cafe. Those attending Levi Creek will have some food supplied out there.
Accommodation in Eudunda is in short supply at the moment – so get booking early!
Eudunda Motel, Eudunda Caravan Park (BYO Van, RV, Bus or Tent),
Basic Camping may also be available at the Point Pass Oval, Robertstown Oval, Bower.
Historic Anlaby Station B&Bs.
Truro Weighbridge Motel, Angels Rest B&B (in Truro)
Kapunda – check the Light Country website for a big listing.
Visit Burra and Goyder have a good listing,
The Barossa Valley have a wealth of accomodation as does the Clare & Gilbert Valley
Make Morgan your base? Check out the Discover Morgan website
Did you know that we have a list of accommodation on the Lavender Trail website
If you are an accommodation provider on or close to the Lavender Trails and not yet listed on our website (link above)
Contact us and we can talk about solving that. Our Walkers and Cyclists are always keen to find good accommodation.