SARTI Board Members – Previous Board Members
We all owe a lot to our previous board members. Here we honour their service by mainaining a list of the ones we have been able to record as having served on the board and are no longer doing so.
Terry Lavender OAM (RIP)
Original Architect & Designer of the Lavender TrailBushwalker Leaves Trail of Memories Read a great writeup by Kym Tilbrook – The Advertiser 24th Jan 2004 (a PDF on the Heysen Trails website)
George Adams
Life MemberEndorsed Supporter – Engineering – 2006 to 2024
George joined the board in 2006 and became the Trail Maintenance Manager. He set up the volunteer maintenance groups, as well as helping to survey and added signage to the walking trail.
George also designed and manufactured the Lavender Trail stiles (check out our article on the LFT website).
George has also been an early supporter and developer of the Lavender Cycling Trail.
Isobel Barrett
Board Member – Membership SecretaryIsobel was on the board at one time listed on the Footsteps Newsletter as being the SARTI Membership Secretary. Prior to the Opening of the LFT at Manoora, Isobel tested the trail out by walking solo from there to Murray Bridge, reporting on the trail. She supported the development through to Clare.
Eileen Bordas (RIP)
Board MemberIn 2004, Ian Pool said to a number of members of the Australian Retired Persons Association (ARPA) Bushwalkers that he thought SARTI was running out of steam and might need some help. As a result Lou, and his wife Eileen, went to a Board Meeting with Ian and, as usually happened, were on the Board by the end of the Meeting. They served on the Board and were involved in many of the installation projects until they moved to Canberra for family reasons.
Photo taken in 2006 during filming of the trail by Postcards SA (skillfully lifted from the video by Chris Bushell).
Lou Bordas (RIP)
Board MemberIn 2004, Ian Pool said to a number of members of the Australian Retired Persons Association (ARPA) Bushwalkers that he thought SARTI was running out of steam and might need some help. As a result Lou, and his wife Eileen, went to a Board Meeting with Ian and, as usually happened, were on the Board by the end of the Meeting. They served on the Board and were involved in many of the installation projects until they moved to Canberra for family reasons.
Photo taken in 2008
Inez Bormann
Council Representative – Mid Murray CouncilInez served on Mid Murray Council and was their rep on the SARTI Board.
Cate Hunter
Council Representative – Clare & Gilbert Valleys CouncilCate served on C&GV Council from 2018 – Nov 2022 and was their rep on the SARTI Board.
Jeremy Kells
Council Representative – Clare & Gilbert Valleys CouncilJeremy served on C&GV Council from 2014 – Nov 2018 and was their rep on the SARTI Board.
Roger Lillecrap (RIP)
Life MemberCouncil Representative – Keyneton & Barossa Council
Roger was passionate about the Lavender Federation Trail, supporting it at Local and Council level.
Peter Dunn (RIP)
Council Representative – Regional Council of GoyderPeter joined the SARTI Board in 2011 when the LFT reached Truro and about to go into the Goyder Council where he was a Eudunda Ward Councilor. He was instrumental in gaining Regional Council of Goyder financial support for SARTI, which saw a great advance in the trail building for Map 4.
Julie Mathews
Regional Representative – EudundaJulie joined the SARTI Team as they approached Eudunda, attending Board meetings as well as helping with installing the trail from Truro, Eudunda and to the North. Julie and husband Trevor have retired from the SARTI Board in 2024 and continue to volunteer to do Trail Maintenance in a large tract of the Eudunda area.
Photo taken in 2024.
Trevor Mathews
Regional Representative – EudundaTrevor joined the SARTI Team as they approached Eudunda, helping with trail research, layout and at Board meetings as well as installing the trail from Truro, Eudunda and to the North. He and wife Julie have retired from the SARTI Board in 2024 and continue to volunteer to do Trail Maintenance in a large tract of the Eudunda area.
Photo taken at a SARTI meeting in 2023.
Reg Munchenberg
Regional Representative – TruroFootsteps Nov 2013: Well respected Truro identity, Reg Munchenberg, has resigned from the SARTI board. Reg has been a valuable contributor to SARTI with his intimate knowledge of the Truro area and its history. Reg, a member of the Truro Progress Association, with his local knowledge has been able to assist in planning the route of the LFT in the Truro area. With his assistance, the trail goes through the gorge on his son’s property between Truro and the Sturt Highway. This section was one of the walks used at the opening of the 2012 Walking Season at Truro.
Kevin Myers
Council Representative – Mid Murray CouncilKevin retired from the SARTI Board in 2023
Ian Pool
Life MemberEndorsed Supporter – Trail Advisory – 2004 to 2024
Ian was very active in scouting the LFT, connecting the dots, from maps to unmarked roads and land owners to gain permissions for the trail as well as at all times when installing the trail. In 2017 Ian was awarded by WalkingSA the 2017 Award Winner Award Category: Special Recognition Award – Individual (see article on WalkingSA website here)
Ian has been active on the SARTI Board until finally retiring from the SARTI Board in 2024 as a 93 year old.
Photo taken at Lavender Trail presentation at Goyder Tourism Working Party – April 2011
Albert Pryce
Photo taken in 2005.
Pat Quick
Regional Representative – ManooraPat goes out of her way to help our Lavender Trail people to have access to facilities in Manoora. This photo was taken in May 2021, check out the short article in the Southern Goyder News article (from where we ‘lifted’ the photo)
Ian Richardson
Michael Seager
Council Representative – Barossa CouncilBio
Tom Woolford
Regional Representative – SpringtonBio