Board Members

SARTI Board Members

Alan Harton

Alan Harton

Regional Representative – Callington, Monarto

Alan joined the Board in 2023 and was appointed as SARTI Chair very shortly after in 2024.

Helen Dominish

Helen Dominish

Secretary, Social Media

Helen has been a member of the Board since 2019.
She was involved in the establishment of the Lavender Cycling Trail and has recently seen the project to provide signage along the cycling trail completed. Helen has also taken on the important task of grant seeking and is very active on our Social Media Pages. When not working on SARTI tasks you might find Helen out riding; which is her passion, and you can find out more about her adventures and perhaps join in by checking out her website

Gillian Stevens

Gillian Stevens


Gillian is a keen hiker and cyclist, who has been a board member since 2020.
Gillian is currently treasurer and provides support to the on-going development of the Lavender Cycling Trail.

Di Dawe

Di Dawe

Membership Secretary

Di is a walker and cyclist, joining the Board in 2023. She is currently working on updating our membership system and has helped increase membership many fold.

Chris Bushell

Chris Bushell

Life Member
Past Chair, Endorsed Supporter

Over 20 years ago, Ian Pool said to a group of us ARPA Bushwalkers that he thought SARTI needed help. So a group of us went along to a board meeting and were promptly included in the board. At the second meeting I was asked to be president, purely as a temporary measure because George Driscoll was coming back from Sydney and would take over as president. Well, unfortunately he died, and I’ve been president ever since. I then discovered that every president of SARTI has died in office. This is starting to be a concern to me.
I was also the secretary of the Schuss Ski Club for 11 years, President of WalkingSA and the ARPA Bushwalkers.
Chris Bushell, Past Chairperson, SA Recreation Trails Inc,, 0429 400 645

Ann Lavender

Ann Lavender


The Lavender Trail was a concept that Terry and I had to plan and make a walking trail built and maintained by volunteers as part of the Federal celebrations. Terry decided on Murray Bridge to Clare. We spent a lot of time walking, checking and mapping out various options before he made the final decision.  He organized a core of dedicated people from Murray Bridge and formed a Board of Management. When opened the trail was named Federation trail 1901. It was after Terry died in January 2004  that the Board of Management voted it would be fitting to change the name to the Lavender Federation Trail.

Don Barrett

Don Barrett

Council Representative – Barossa Council

Don joined the Board in 2022 as the Barossa Council rep.

Leon Bruhn

Leon Bruhn

Council Representative – Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council

Leon joined the Board in 2023, as the CGV Council rep.

Bob England

Bob England

Life Member
Regional Representative – Murraylands

Bob held the position of SARTI Treasurer up to 2020 and has a wealth of history and experience for all things SARTI around the Murray Bridge end, as well as seeing the trail reach it’s destination at Clare.

Graham Hallandal

Graham Hallandal

Life Member
Publicity & Newsletter

Graham became involved in the Lavender Federation Trail in 1999 and has been a part of the Management Committee since the first meeting of the steering committee at the Scout Outdoor Centre in April 2000. Initially working with Terry Lavender building the “Federation Trail 1901” (the original name of the Lavender Federation Trail), as Terry’s health declined, undertook route planning, organizing trail materials & volunteer working days. By 2004, 56 km had been built but work stalled until new volunteers appeared. Graham then concentrated on funding and trail publicity. Awarded RCMB “Citizen of the Year” in 2017 and Walking SA Award in 2019 for his “long and distinguished contribution to walking in SA”. Editor of the SARTI newsletter since 2001.

Peter Herriman

Peter Herriman

Webmaster, Social Media

I helped rescue the original website I think about 2008 (might be wrong), and was present at the early Lavender Trail presentation at Eudunda Oct 2010, with more involvement in Board Meetings when the trail was heading to Truro in 2011. I think I finally ‘officially’ joined the board in 2014 (according to Graham’s excellent history records). I enjoy supporting the trails in various ways and the fantastic work the Board and our volunteers do. I am also proud to have the walking trail go through part of our place, and the Board has inspired me to look at developing some local trails as well.

Kevin Heyndyk

Kevin Heyndyk

Regional Representative – Rural City of Murray Bridge

Kevin is the rep for Murray Bridge and helps keep SARTI’s work moving in the city.

Kirsty MacGregor

Kirsty MacGregor

Council Representative – Mid Murray Council

Kirsty joined the Board in 2023 as the Mid Murray Council rep.

Don McDonald

Don McDonald

Map & Brochure Distribution
ARPA Representative

Don enthusiastically volunteered to look after SARTI’s map and brochure distribution. Reach out and contact him from our Contact Page if you need some.

Jim McLean

Jim McLean

Walking SA Representative

Jim is the Walking SA representative on the Board. As such he reports on current Walking SA project initiatives and is an ear for any issues that SARTI might want addressed by Walking SA. Jim is also the architect who dreamt of ‘The Adelaide 100‘ – A loop walking trail of over 100km that takes in the coast, waterways and hills of the capital city of South Australia.

John Neal

John Neal

Council Representative – Regional Council of Goyder

John joined the SARTI Board in approximately 2014 as the Regional Council of Goyder rep. He is a proud supporter of the LFT as a large section of it goes through his family property giving walkers great views and walking past (not in) an important remnant native peppermint box stand.

Stuart Shepherd

Stuart Shepherd

Trail Maintenace Manager

Stuart has the been the Trail Maintenance Manager since 2018, conducting maintenance and coordinating a team of 23 volunteers who patrol, maintain and repair the main, loop and spur trails of the (walking) Lavender Federation Trail (LFT). If you need to report an issue please contact Stuart through our Contact Us – Maintenance Page

David Spackman

David Spackman

Regional Representative – Watervale

David became involved in planning the north section of the trail, taking in the 570m panoramic look out on his Mt. Horrocks country, this was part of Terry Lavenders dream.

Barry Stacey

Barry Stacey

Life Member
Endorsed Supporter – Signage & Brochures

Barry is our graphics wizzard, photographer and collector. His work producing graphics for signs and brochures is fantastic.

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